Tips to Rid Yourself of Work Backlog

When you start out doing anything, you usually would start at point A, with a clean-slate. You are energised, excited and ready to go. Ready to dive in and tackle what lies ahead. But, what lies ahead? For most of us, it is a lot more than we bargained for. That clean-slate is pretty soon... Continue Reading →

Doing it all yourself as an Entrepreneur

You start out as an entrepreneur, and like with having your first baby, no one can truly warn you what it will be like. Yes, it is different for everyone. Some have plans or finances or strong networks in place already, which they can use as a springboard, launching them into the world of business... Continue Reading →

Writing and Blogging

This is not the first blog I have written. In fact, I have written many over the past year. I have written for myself (I am still deciding which to post and which are only good enough for my eyes only), and for clients. Most of them are floating around on the web already, but... Continue Reading →

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